Veritas No.80 Style Cabinet Scraper
This cabinet scraper is a very useful and versatile tool. Used in place of a much heavier belt sander, it can clean a dirty workbench top, remove dried glue and smooth a panel or tricky grain table top efficiently, leaving behind a surface free of tear-out, digs or gouges.
Veritas have designed this tool with several improvements over what is usually known as the No.80 cabinet scraper. To allow...
Veritas No.112 Style Scraping Plane
The Veritas® scraping plane is the ideal tool for final smoothing, especially when you have to deal with highly figured wood or reversing grain. With a well-sharpened blade and light cuts you can achieve excellent results on any wood. Tear-out is virtually eliminated with the cutting action of the included scraping blade. The adjustable frog enables blade angles from 0° to 25°, providing fine...
Veritas Small Scraping Plane
The Veritas Small Scraping Plane is a great tool for the final smoothing of small, flat surfaces, even highly figured timber, or small areas of difficult grain within a larger surface.
The scraping plane comes into action after the surface has been prepared as well as possible using a finely tuned smoothing plane. What the scraping plane does is to replace the need for sanding prior to applying...
Veritas Scraper Shave
The Veritas Scraper Shave is a versatile small scraper suitable for small-scale work, fine detailing, or any application where a normal scraping plane would be too large.
The design of the tool allows a controlled scraping action that effectively smoothes the workpiece. Can be used as a companion tool with the chair devils for smoothing of non-round chair parts such as crest rails, arm bows and...