Lie-Nielsen No. 212 Small Iron Scraping Plane
Product Description
Please note that this is the iron version, the bronze version is temporarily unavailable.
Scraping Planes are used for finishing woods that do not yield well to the hand plane. A scraping plane is more comfortable to use than a hand scraper, and a plane body helps you keep the surface you are scraping flat.
They can be tricky to master, however. To make it easier, Lie-Nielsen do not recommend using a burr, at least until you’ve learned how to use the tool. These tools will cut very well with the blade sharpened like a plane blade.
All Lie-Nielsen Scraping Planes have thick blades, beveled at 45° for easy sharpening. The blades are soft enough to burnish, but hard enough to hold an edge well. Sharp, set properly, and used with smooth, light strokes, these tools will produce a final finished surface on the most difficult hardwoods.
A planed finish will always be preferable to a scraped finish, and Lie-Nielsen Bench Planes will give great results on almost any wood but there are times when a scraping plane is the best tool for the job.
The Lie-Nielsen Small Scraping Plane (5½" long with a 1-3/8" x 1/8" blade) is based on the Stanley 212, which is scarce today and brings high prices from collectors. It is ideal for smaller work and has an iron body.
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